Fig. 9. Transformants containing one Δsignal peptide het-c construct and a wild-type alternative het-c allele form a HET-C heterocomplex in the plasma membrane. (A) Cell-fractionated samples from CJ44 (Δsp het-cOR::GFP + het-cPA::HA) incompatible transformants, compatible transformants, CJ44 (Δsp het-cOR::GFP + het-cOR::HA), CJ44 (Δsp het-cOR::GFP) and CJ44 (Δsp het-cPA::HA) that were subjected to immunoprecipitation by anti-HA antibodies and western analysis using anti-GFP antibodies. (B) The same blot stripped and re-probed with anti-HA antibodies. CT, cytoplasmic fraction; PM, plasma membrane fraction. MW markers are indicated. (C) A confocal image of a CJ44 (Δsp het-cPA::HA + het-cOR::GFP) incompatible transformant treated with anti-HA antibodies (Alexa 488). (D) Image of (C) superimposed onto DIC. White arrows show plasma membrane labeling. Scale bars = 10 µm.