Chemical class | Compound | EC50 (mg liter−1)a of compound for:
HNR-4b | ΔBcatrD-8 | ΔBcmfs1-16 | ΔDΔ1-45 | ||
DMIs | Oxpoconazole | 0.114 c | 0.035 b | 0.107 c | 0.017 a |
Prochloraz | 0.026 c | 0.014 b | 0.016 b | 0.005 a | |
Tebuconazole | 0.110 c | 0.087 b | 0.105 c | 0.035 a | |
Pyrifenox | 0.046 b | 0.036 b | 0.044 b | 0.021 a | |
Fenarimol | 0.869 c | 0.374 b | 0.780 c | 0.242 a | |
Alkaloid | Camptothecin | >10 b | >10 b | 0.68 a | 0.70 a |
Means followed by the same letters in the same rows indicate that figures do not differ significantly (P = 0.05).
EC50 values of compounds for wild-type strain B05.10 and HNR-4 do not differ significantly (data not shown).