FIG. 1.
Number of species isolated by month and site. The raw number of each species group (colored sections of columns) isolated each month at all sites (panel A) and each site for all months (panel B). FC, M. fortuitum complex; scr, M. scrofulaceum; sem, M. semiae; gor, M. gordonae; IISA, a PRA pattern shared by M. avium, M. intracellulare, M. simiae, and M. intermedium; other, seven rare species combined (M. smegmatis, M.interjectium, M. lentiflavum, M. nonchromo, M. celatum, M. chitae, and M. pheli), int, M. intracellulare; unk, unknown; avi, M. avium; MM, M.malmoense or M. marinum (indistinguishable by PRA); and kan, M. kansasii.