Repression of Ile tRNA I(TAT) transcription in response to DNA damage by methylmethane sulfonate (MMS). The steady-state levels of pre-tRNA I(TAT) were measured as a function of time of treatment with MMS by Northern blot analysis. Samples were collected before the addition of MMS and after 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 h of treatment in yeast strains producing Brf1 from the chromosomal (BRF1) gene (Chr-BRF, filled squares) or Brf1 (pGal-BRF1, open triangles), Brf1n-TBPc-Brf1c (pGal-TF, open circles), and the Brf1n-TBPc + Brf1c split (pGal-Split, filled diamonds) from the corresponding genes on centromeric plasmids under control of the GAL1 promoter. The hybridization signal for the pre-tRNA was normalized to the stable pol II transcript U4 and is plotted as fraction of the initial level of pre-tRNA (mean and average deviation of two independent experiments).