Duration of dyspnoea
Severity of dyspnoea
Any similar previous episodes
History of asthma, emphysema, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Medications taken
Presence of fever
Presence of cough
Quality of cough
History of hypertension
History of high cholesterol concentrations
Exposure to allergens or other irritants at workplace
Smoking history
Alcohol use
Last flu or tetanus shots
Last Pneumovax
Marital status
Job or other social history
Blood pressure (both arms)
Palpation of jugular vein distension or point of maximal impulse
Chest auscultation
Lung auscultation
Examination of digits for cyanosis or clubbing
Examination of lower legs for oedema
Peak flow evaluation
Pulse oximetry (or arterial blood gas analysis)
Rectal/prostate examination
Diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, or bronchitis
Discussion of severity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Diagnosis of hypertension or discussion of need to continue taking medication for hypertension
Consulted with an attending physician
Verified proper use of inhaler(s)
Told to drink more fluids
Told to call or return if symptoms worsen
Told needed oxygen or intravenous fluids or to go to the emergency room (not necessary)
Wanted to admit patient to hospital (not necessary)
Discussed smoking cessation
Counselled on diet
Counselled on exercise
Recommended, advised, or referred to have colon cancer screening
Follow up appointment recommended