Figure 2.
Gene-expression cladograms showing the relative abundance of transcripts in 13 samples. The left cladogram was constructed with 4,531 elements, and the right one with 326 elements. The 326 elements exhibit >4-fold ratio difference in at least one of 12 comparisons. Trees at the left side of the cladogram present gene relationships, and the trees on the top of cladogram show organ relationships. Color codes and color ratios in each panel are: the brightest red is >4-fold higher, the brightest green is >4-fold lower, and black is same ratio in that comparison. Green colored names mark genes whose gene products are located in chloroplasts. Circled numbers match the numbers in Figure 5 which shows the place of these enzymes in the C4 photosynthetic pathways. Multiple genes in each gene family are marked with arrows, and other genes discussed in the text are marked with arrowheads. Numbers indicate Stanford identification numbers for individual EST clones. For the complete list of genes see Additional data files.