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. 2002 Apr;46(4):1147–1152. doi: 10.1128/AAC.46.4.1147-1152.2002


ORFs in SCCmec’s of CA05 and 8/6-3P

Strain (element) and ORFa Location (position)b Size (bp) of gene Description of gene product
CA05 (JCSC1968) (type IV SCCmec subtype a)
    CQ001 Complement (1280-1900) 621 Hypothetical protein
    Q001 2653-3657 1,005 Hypothetical protein
    CQ002 Complement (4281-5771) 1,491 Hypothetical protein
    CQ003 Complement (6389-7438) 1,050 Conserved hypothetical protein
    Q002 7577-7867 291 Conserved hypothetical protein
    Q003 7867-9654 1,788 Conserved hypothetical protein
    Q005 9888-11237 1,350 (ccrA2.1) Cassette chromosome recombinase A
    Q006 11259-12887 1,629 (ccrB2.1) Cassette chromosome recombinase B
    Q007 13409-13759 351 Conserved hypothetical protein
    Q008 13846-14157 312 Conserved hypothetical protein
    Q009 14169-14678 510 Conserved hypothetical protein
    Q010 14679-16337 1,659 Putative transposase of IS 1272
    CQ004 Complement (16560-17546) 987 (ΔmecR1) Truncated signal transducer protein MecR1
    Q011 17646-19652 2,007 (mecA) PBP 2′
    CQ005 Complement (19698-20126) 429 Conserved hypothetical protein
    CQ007 Complement (20223-20966) 744 (ugpQ) Glycerophosphoryldiester phosphodiesterase
    Q012 22268-22942 675 tnp Transposase for insertion sequence-like element IS431mec
    CQ008 Complement (22974-23213) 240 Conserved hypothetical protein
    CQ009 Complement (23628-24659) 1,032 Truncated conserved hypothetical protein
    CQ010 Complement (24509-24883) 375 Truncated conserved hypothetical protein
    (CQ011) Complement (25205-25684) 480 OrfX
8/6-3P (JCSC1978) (type IV SCCmec subtype b)
    CM001 Complement (325-1446) 1,122 Hypothetical protein
    CM002 Complement (1424-2194) 771 Hypothetical protein
    M001 2311-3741 1,431 Hypothetical protein
    M002 3861-5651 1,791 Conserved hypothetical protein
    M004 5885-7234 1,350 (ccrA2.2) Cassette chromosome recombinase A
    M005 7256-8884 1,629 (ccrB2.2) Cassette chromosome recombinase B
    M006 9406-9756 351 Conserved hypothetical protein
    M007 9843-10154 312 Conserved hypothetical protein
    M008 10166-10675 510 Conserved hypothetical protein
    M009 10676-12334 1,659 Putative transposase of IS1272
    CM003 Complement (12557-13543) 987 (ΔmecR1) Truncated signal transducer protein MecR1
    M010 13643-15649 2,007 (mecA) PBP 2′
    CM004 Complement (15695-16123) 429 Conserved hypothetical protein
    CM006 Complement (16220-16963) 744 (ugpQ) Glycerophosphoryldiester phosphodiesterase
    M011 18265-18939 675 tnp Transposase for insertion sequence-like element IS431mec
    CM007 Complement (18971-19210) 240 Conserved hypothetical protein
    CM008 Complement (19625-20656) 1,032 Truncated conserved hypothetical protein
    CM009 Complement (20506-20880) 375 Truncated conserved hypothetical protein
    CM010 Complement (21204-21683) 480 OrfX
Homology to ORFs of type I SCCmec
Homology to ORFs of type II SCCmec
Homology to ORFs of type III SCCmec
Homology to ORFs of type IV SCCmec subtype b
% Identityc Corresponding ORF(s) (size [bp]) % Identityc Corresponding ORF(s) (size [bp]) % Identityc Corresponding ORF(s) (size [bp]) % Identityc Corresponding ORF(s) (size [bp])
96.4 E024 (1329) 72.4 N053d (861) 72.4 Z025d (861)
77.8 CZ002 (1,068)
46.2 E025 (297) 46 N030 (297) 45.7 Z003 (288)
77.3 E026 (1,770) 85.3 N031 (1,794) 66.3 Z004 (1,569) 82.4 M002 (1791)
75 ccrA1 (1,350) 97.6 ccrA2 (1,350) 72.4 ccrA3 (1,350) 98.2 M004 (1350)
72.4 ccrB1 (1,152) 97.4 ccrB2 (1,629) 87.5 ccrB3 (1,629) 99.3 M005 (1629)
85.3 E031 (351) 88.8 N041 (351) 51.3 Z011 (351) 100 M006 (351)
85.4 E032 (327) 89.2 N042 (312) 47.2 Z013 (396) 100 M007 (312)
97.6 E033 (510) 92.7 N043 (318) 61.3 Z014 (522) 100 M008 (510)
100 E034 (1,659) 100 M009 (1659)
100 ΔmecR1NCTC10442 (987) 100 mecR1N315 (1,758) 100 ΔmecR185/2082 (114) 100
99.9 mecANCTC10442 (2,007) 100 mecAN315 (2,007) 99.7 mecA85/2082 (2007) 100
99.3 CE025 (429) 100 CN038 (429) 100 CZ029 (429) 100 CM004 (429)
100 CE026 (744) 100 CN039 (744) 100 CZ030 (744) 100
100 E040 (675) 100 N062 and N070 (675) 100, 99.6, 99.1, 99.1 Z035, Z041, Z046, and Z058 (675) 100
100 CE029 (240) 100 CM007 (240)
100 CE030 (1,296) 100 CN050 (1,296) 100 CM008 (1032)
98.4 CE030 (1,296) 98.4 CN050 (1,296) 100 CM009 (375)
100 orfX (480) 100 orfX (480) 100 orfX (480) 100 CM010 (480)
70.3 E026 (1,770) 80.7 N031 (1,794) 72.1 Z004 (1,569)
75.2 ccrA1 (1,350) 96.2 ccrA2 (1,350) 73.5 ccrA3 (1,350)
80.6 ccrB1 (1,152) 98.2 ccrB2 (1,629) 87.1 ccrB3 (1,629)
85.3 E031 (351) 88.8 N041 (351) 5.3 Z011 (351)
85.4 E032 (327) 89.2 N042 (312) 4.2 Z013 (396)
97.6 E033 (510) 92.3 N043 (318) 61.3 Z014 (522)
100 E034 (1,659)
100 ΔmecR1NCTC10442 (987) 100 mecR1N315 (1,758) 100 ΔmecR185/2082 (114)
99.9 mecANCTC10442 (2,007) 100 mecAN315 (2,007) 99.7 mecA85/2082 (2,007)
99.3 CE025 (429) 100 CN038 (429) 100 CZ029 (429)
100 CE026 (744) 100 CN039 (744) 100 CZ030 (744)
100 E040 (675) 100 N062 and N070 (675) 100, 99.6, 99.1, 99.1 Z035, Z041, Z046, and Z058 (675)
100 CE029 (240)
100 CE030 (1,296) 100 CN050 (1,296)
98.4 CE030 (1,296) 98.4 CN050 (1,296)
100 orfX (480) 100 orfX (480) 100 orfX (480)

ORFs shown in parentheses were located outside of SCC mec.


The nucleotide position in the nucleotide sequences deposited under DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank accession no. AB063172 (type IV subtype a) and AB063173 (type IV subtype b).


Identity to amino acid sequences of each ORF.


Incomplete ORFs that are potentially defective genes or pseudogenes containing either a deletion, a nonsense mutation, or a frameshift mutation.