Figure 3.
LD structure of VDR in whites. a, Blocks with pairwise D′>0.8 are numbered 1–5. The analyzed SNPs (table 1) include 39 VDR SNPs, 5 SNPs in the COL2A1 and VDR intergenic region (“IGR VDR & COL2A1”), and 3 SNPs in the VDR and HDAC7A intergenic region (“IGR HDAC7A & VDR”). SNP IDs correspond to those in figure 1 and tables 1 and 3. The red boxes on the X- and Y-axes indicate the high-LD blocks used to define haplotype alleles. The physical organization of VDR is represented with vertical lines on the Y-axis (see also fig. 1). b, Aligned LD analyses from different sources and estimated consensus LD structure of VDR. The total number of SNPs analyzed in each study is indicated in parentheses. Thick lines indicate haplotype blocks, with the number of analyzed SNPs below the line and the name of the block above the line.