Snf5p, Gcn5p, and Esa1p differentially control SUC2 transcription. (A) The levels of SUC2 mRNA in wild-type (BLY1), gcn5Δ (BLY417), esa1-Δ414 (BLY457), and snf5Δ (BLY3) cells were assayed as in Figure 1A. (B) The crosslinking of Snf5p to the SUC2 promoter was assayed as in Figure 2A. IP efficiencies were shown relative to the wild-type preinduction levels. (C) The levels of SUC2 mRNA (upper panel) and the crosslinking of Snf5p to the SUC2 promoter (lower panel) in wild-type (BLY1) and snf2-BDΔ (BLY663) cells were assayed as in (A) and (B), respectively. These data are representative of three independent time courses.