CaBP1 binds directly to the InsP3R. (A) SDS–PAGE gel, stained with SYPRO Orange™, showing the interaction between either 100 μg pGST, GST 1–604, GST 1–225, GST 226–604 or 100 μg SCaBP1 in a pull-down assay in the presence of 200 μM free Ca2+. In lanes 2 and 3, SCaBP1 was retained by GST 1–604 and GST 1–225, respectively. (Bi) Map showing positions of synthetic peptides (A–F) used for binding experiments relative to the NH2-terminal 159 aa region of the InsP3R. Peptide A (S16-N48), peptide B (P49-N81), peptide C (Y66-K91), peptide D (D97-L123), peptide E (E106-S128) and peptide F (I121-L151). White bars indicating the Ca2+-independent CaM binding sites on the InsP3R1 (Sienaert et al, 2002). Grey bar (B) showing a positive interaction of the peptide with SCaBP1. (Bii) Nondenaturating gel (15%) of 3.5 μM SCaBP1 in the presence of each of the InsP3R1 peptides (A–F) (35 μM) in 50 mM Tris buffer (pH 7.4) containing either 200 μM free Ca2+ or 1 mM EGTA stained with SYPRO Orange™. In lane 1, SCaBP1 alone was used as a control. SCaBP1 bound to the peptide diminishes the intensity of the SCaBP1 band. (C) SDS–PAGE gel showing the interaction of SCaBP1 with increasing amounts of peptide B (P49-N81) in the presence of 200 μM Ca2+ or 1 mM EGTA stained with SYPRO Orange™. (Lower panel) Densitometric analysis of the SCaBP1 bands by ImageQuant 5.2 of the interaction between SCaBP1 and peptide B (P49-N81) in the presence of 200 μM Ca2+ (triangles) or 1 mM EGTA (squares). The vertical axis denotes the intensity of the SCaBP1 band. (D) co-IP of InsP3R3 from COS-7 cells transfected with either SCaBP1 or LCaBP-YFP. YFP-CaBP1 was immunoprecipitated with anti-GFP antibody. InsP3R3 immunoreactivity was detected using an anti-InsP3R3 monoclonal antibody and subsequent ECL. Transfected cDNA is indicated above the blot. (E) co-IP of InsP3R3 with SCaBP1-YFP was performed in the absence (lane 3) or presence of 1 mM EGTA (lane 4). Control IPs from YFP-transfected cells and nontransfected cells were also performed (lanes 1 and 2). (F) co-IP of CaBP with InsP3R1 from the brain. The antibody used for the IP is indicated below the blot and the antibody used for the Western blot (WB) is indicated above the blot. C indicates IP with a non-specific antibody. (Fi) IP of InsP3R1 subsequently detected by Western blot with anti-InsP3R1 antibody. (Fii) Parallel IP using an anti-InsP3R1 antibody and Western blot using an anti-CaBP antibody.