FIG. 2.
Quantitative analysis of flagellin production by V. fischeri wild-type strain ES114 and HS mutant strains. (A) Average number of flagella per cell determined from cultures of ES114 and two representative strains from each of the three classes of HS mutants grown either in liquid media (L) or on a surface (S). At least 50 cells for each strain and condition were assayed by using TEM. Cells of class II strains displayed a flagellar density that often could not be counted but was >10 flagella per cell. (B) SDS-PAGE analysis of flagellin proteins produced by V. fischeri strain ES114 and HS strains. Purified flagellar preparations from 4 × 108 cells were denatured and subjected to PAGE, followed by Coomassie brilliant blue staining. The bracket indicates the location of flagellin subunits.