Regional distribution of protease-resistant PrPSc in the brain of tg338 mice infected with discordant (A and B) and Nor98 (C and D) agent. Histoblots of coronal sections were immunostained for PrPres as described in Materials and Methods. Sections through the thalamus/hippocampus (A and C) and the pons/cerebellum (B and D) are presented. Note the concordant patterns of PrPres accumulation for the two types of agent, with the preferential involvement of the thalamus (th), corpus callosum (cc), cerebral cortex (arrow), and, to a lesser extent, of the superior colliculus (sc; B-D). Histoblots performed on the brain of a tg338 mice inoculated with a conventional scrapie isolate (PG127) are shown for comparison (E and F).