In vivo proliferation of activated T cells after M. avium infection. Mice were fed BrdU in their drinking water for 7 days. Spleen cells were stained for CD4 or CD8, CD62L, and BrdU. Percentages (A) and numbers (C) of BrdU+ cells gated on CD4+ CD62L− or CD4+ CD62L+ T cells and percentages (B) and numbers (D) of BrdU+ gated on CD8+, CD62L−, or CD62L+ T cells are shown. The values are means and standard deviations based on the data for three mice per group. The mice had been infected for different times, but their cells were assayed on the same day. The results of one representative experiment of two similar experiments are shown. Symbols: ▪, infected, CD62L−; □, old uninfected, CD62L−; •, infected, CD62L+; ○, old uninfected, CD62L+.