FIG. 2.
Increased production of M protein, C5a peptidase (SCP), and OrfX in NZ131 rgg. Production of selected Mga-regulated proteins was assessed by immunoblotting following whole-cell electrophoresis of wild-type (wt) strain NZ131 (lane 1), speB mutant strain NZ131 (lane 2), and rgg mutant strain NZ131 (lane 3). M protein (αM49), C5a peptidase (αSCP), and OrfX (αOrfX) were detected with antisera specific to the polypeptides, as indicated to the left of each panel. The migration and size of the molecular mass standards are shown to the right of each panel. Antisera to the group A streptococcus carbohydrate (αGAS) was used to confirm that similar amounts of cell wall antigens were analyzed. The experiment was repeated twice, and a representative result is shown.