Figure 3.
Expression of endogenous nfi-1 mRNA in embryo and adults. N2 worms were fixed and hybridized with digoxigenin (DIG)-labeled antisense nfi-1 probe (from plasmid yk42f10) and bound probe was detected using alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-DIG antibodies. Panels: a, 2 cell embryo; b, 4 cell embryo; c, 24 cell embryo; d, beginning gastrulation; e, mid-gastrulation; f, late gastrulation; g, comma stage; h, 1.5-fold stage and i, 2-fold stage. Embryos in a-d and f-i are positive for staining. We are currently investigating the apparent loss of signal at mid-gastrulation (panel e). Panels j-m, antisense probe, adults with exposed internal organs: mature oocytes; intestine; gonadal germ cells; n-o, control sense probe, no specific staining is seen. Right panels k, m, o are two-fold magnifications of those on the left.