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Measured and predicted UV254 sensitivities for RNA-containing virus families whose hosts are vertebratesa

Familyb Measured D37 (J/m2) Genome size range Measured or predicted SnS (J/m2 · kb) Representative virus(es) Predicted D37 range for entire family (J/m2) Reference(s)
dsRNA viruses
    Birnaviridae 120 (110-170) 5.7-6.2 1,400 (1,300-1,900) 1PNV 110-120 32, 50, 63
    Reoviridae 89 (46-123) 18.6-26.4 3,800 (1,700-5,800) MRV-1, -2, -3, RV-A, KEMV-10, -91 72-100 3, 18, 19, 39, 55, 68, 87
ssRNA viruses
    Arenaviridae* 11 140 p 13
    Bornaviridae* 34 8.9 300 BDV 34 8
    Bunyaviridae* 11-19 140 p 7.4-13
    Deltavirus* 1.7 140 p 82
    Filoviridae* 19 140 p 7.4
    Orthomyxoviridae* 7.5 (4.8-10) 10-15 110 (70-140) FLUAV, ISAV 7.3-11 50, 54
    Paramyxoviridae* 11 (10-12) 15-16 170 (150-190) NDV, MeV 11 10, 29, 31
    Rhabdoviridae* 4.3 (1.1-23) 11-15 51 (12-260) VSV, RABV, VHSV 3.4-4.6 2, 4, 8, 50, 63, 79
    Arterioviridae** 13-16 295 p 18-23
    Astroviridae** 6.8-7.9 295 p 37-44
    Caliciviridae** 7.4-8.3 295 p 36-40
    Coronaviridae** 3.1 20-31 78 BEV 2.5-3.9 79
    Flaviviridae** 9.6-12 295 p 25-31
    “HEV-like” viruses** 7.2 295 p 41
    Nodaviridae** 140 4.5 630 SBNN 140 11
    Picornaviridae** 48 (25-70) 7-8.5 370 (190-540) PV-1, -2, -3, E-1, -11, CV-A9, -B1, -B5, HHAV, EMCV 44-53 3, 6, 18, 19, 42, 43, 47, 55, 78, 86
    Togaviridae** 19 (7.3-23) 9-12 220 (83-260) SINV, VEEV, SFV 18-24 69, 79, 86
    Retroviridae*** 89 (88-120) 7-11 740 (620-980) MLV, FeLV, MoMSV, RSV 67-110 5, 25, 31, 46, 49, 70, 83-85

See footnotes to Table 1 for explanations of columns. In addition, ssRNA viruses are listed according to sense of genetic information and/or mode of replication.


*, family has negative-sense ssRNA; **, family has positive-sense ssRNA; ***, family replicates via reverse transcriptase.