Representative p53 consensus binding sites and candidate target genes
Gene or DNA fragmenta | GenBank accession no. | Description | p53 binding siteb | Matchc | Locationd | Distance from exon 1 (kb) | Chromosome locationf |
CDKN1A | NM_078467 | Cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1A (p21, Cip1) | cAACATGTTg-0-GGACATGTTC | 18 | 5′ | 2.2 | 6p21.2 |
CDKN1A | NM_078467 | Cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1A (p21, Cip1) | AGACTgGgCa-0-tGtCTgGgCa | 12 | 5′ | 1.3 | 6p21.2 |
MDM2 | NM_002392 | Murine double minute 2, p53 binding protein | GGtCAAGTTC-0-AGACAcGTTC | 18 | Intron 1 | <1 | 12q14.3-15 |
DDB2 | NM_000107 | Damage-specific DNA binding protein 2 (p48) | GAACAAGCCC-1-GGGCATGTTT | 20 | Exon 1 | <1 | 11p12-p11 |
AKAP6 | NM_004274 | A kinase anchor protein 6 | AGACATGCCC-0-AAACATGTCT | 20 | Intron 1 | 16 | 14q12 |
FLJ32800† | NM_152647 | Predicted | AGGCATGTCT-0-GGACATGTTT | 20 | 5′ | 4 | 15q21.1-.2 |
MDS009† | NM_020234 | DTWD1 (DTW domain containing 1) | Intron 2 | 2.5 | 15q21.2 | ||
H955 | NAg | NA | GGACATGCCC-0-GGACAAGCCT | 20 | NA | NA | 13q14.3 |
H1160 | NA | NA | AGACATGCCC-0-GGGCATGCCT | 20 | NA | NA | 1q25.3 |
RHOC‡ | NM_175744 | Ras homolog gene family product, member C | GAACATGCCT-0-GAGCAAGCCC | 20 | Intron 2 | 3 | 1p13.1 |
MGC19531‡ | NM_005167 | PPM1J (protein phosphatase 1J, PP2C domain containing) | 3′ | 11 | 1p13.1 | ||
PPP2R3A | NM_002718 | Protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B, alpha | AGACATGTCT-2-AGACATGCCC | 20 | Intron 14 | 176 | 3q22.1 |
TMEM30A | NM_018247 | Transmembrane protein 30A | GGACTTGCTT-0-GGGCTTGTCC | 20 | Intron 1 | 12 | 6q14.1 |
UBTD1§ | NM_024954 | Ubiquitin domain containing 1 | tGACAAGTCT-0-GGGCTTGCTC | 19 | Intron 1 | 50 | 10q24.1-.2 |
ANKRD2§ | NM_020349 | Ankyrin repeat domain 2 | 5′ | 22 | 10q24.2 | ||
H1026 | NA | NA | GGGCATGTTg-0-GGGCATGTCC | 19 | NA | NA | 5p15.3 |
LOC441968 | XM_497787 | Similar to extensin-like protein | GGGCATGCCa-0-GGACATGTCT | 19 | 5′ | 6 | 21q22.3 |
PDGFC | NM_016205 | Platelet-derived growth factor, isoform C | GGtCATGTTC-0-AGACTTGCCC | 19 | Intron 4 | 200 | 4q32 |
ANKRD11 | NM_013275 | Ankyrin repeat domain protein 11 | AGACATGaCC-0-tGGCATGTTC | 18 | Intron 1 | 50 | 16q24.3 |
EDN-2 | NM_001956 | Endothelin-2 | ctGCAAGCCC-0-GGGCATGCCC | 18 | Intron 3 | 2 | 1p34 |
FLJ12484¶ | NM_022767 | ISG20L1 (interferon-stimulated exonuclease 20 kDa-like 1) | 5′ | <1 | 15q26.1 | ||
ISG20¶ | NM_002201 | Interferon-stimulated exonuclease, 20 kDa | ccACATGCCC-0-GGGCAAGCCC | 18 | 5′ | 17 | 15q26 |
LOC388171¶ | XM_373647 | Predicted | 3′ | 17 | 15q26.1 | ||
PTPN14 | NM_005401 | Protein tyrosine phosphatase, nonreceptor type 14 | AAACATGTTg-0-cAACATGTCC | 18 | Intron 3 | 115 | 1q32.2 |
VTI1A | NM_145206 | Vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNARE homolog 1A | cAACATGTCT-0-tGGCATGTTC | 18 | Intron 7 | 270 | 10q25.2 |
H1634 | NA | NA | tGGCATGTCC-11-cAACATGCCT | 18 | NA | NA | 12q23.3 |
C9ORF88 | XM_497077 | Chromosome 9 open reading frame 88 product | tGGCAAGCag-0-AGGCTTGTTT | 17 | Intron 1 | 3 | 9q34.11 |
RBM19 | NM_016196 | RNA binding motif protein 19 | GtACATGTCa-0-GGGCATGTTg | 17 | Intron 24 | 127 | 12q24.13-21 |
RPS27L | NM_015920 | Ribosomal protein S27-like (40S ribosomal protein S27 isoform) | GGGCATGTag-0-tGACTTGCCC | 17 | Intron 1 | 2 | 15q22.2 |
SMARCC1 | NM_003074 | SWI/SNF-related, matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin | GGGCATGaTg-4-AtGCcTGTaa | 14 | Intron 7 | 65 | 3p23-21 |
The four items above the space are known p53 target genes; those below the space are products of candidate genes, except for H955, H1160, H1026, and H1634, which are DNA fragments that aligned to areas of the genome that did not contain any candidate genes within the criterion range. Items with the same symbol (†, ‡, §, or ¶) are products of multiple candidate genes identified within the criterion range of a single binding site.
Lowercase letters indicate consensus binding site mismatches.
Number of base pairs (out of 20) in the putative p53 binding site that match the consensus binding site.
Location of the p53 binding site in relation to the known/candidate target gene.
p53 consensus binding site, where P = purine (A/G), W = A/T, Y = pyrimidine (C/T), and x = 0- to 13-bp spacer region.
Location of the candidate target gene or binding site (if a candidate gene was not identified).
NA, not applicable.