Identification of β-barrel protein sequences from the E. coli proteome. (A) Sequences were selected from the E. coli proteome by the three parameter sets developed (Table 2). The percentage of selected sequences in comparison to the proteome size is shown (bars 1–3). Also shown are the percentage of sequences selected by MCMBB (bar 4), MCMBB filtered by TMHMM (bar 5, MCMBB*), by BOMP (bar 6; please note, that only two sequences were selected by BOMP with αTM >1 according to TMHMM), by TMB-Hunt, BBTM protein score >0 and E-value <1 (TMB-Hunt°, bar 7), by TMB-Hunt, BBTM protein score >0 and E-value <1 controlled by TMHMM (TMB-HUNT°*, bar 8) and by the global procedure (bar 9). (B) The sequences selected by the three procedures proposed in here were analyzed for known or assigned function or localization. The percentage of the sequences either classified as hypothetical, outer membrane, extra-cellular or soluble intracellular is shown. (C) The false positive rate for the three in here generated sequence pools (bars 1–3), for the sequence pool generated by MCMBB (bar 4), by MCMBB controlled by TMHMM (bar 5), by BOMP (bar 6), by TMB-Hunt, BBTM protein score >0 and E-value <1 (TMB-Hunt°, bar 7) or by TMB-Hunt, BBTM protein score >0 and E-value <1, controlled by TMHMM (TMB-Hunt°*, bar 8) is shown.