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. 2005 Oct 19;4:24. doi: 10.1186/1476-072X-4-24

Table 6.

Summary of activity space measures. SDE1 = standard deviational ellipse at 1 standard deviation; SDE2 = standard deviational ellipse at 2 standard deviations; RNB = road network buffer; STT = standard travel time polygon; RTT = relative travel time polygon.

Representation of accessibility Type and shape of measure Data sources Advantages Disadvantages Specific applications
Statistical approximation; abstract space Euclidean measure; ellipsoid shape Household + activity locations (multiple points), frequency-weighted Captures spread and orientation of points; can be weighted by frequency Capture 67% and 95% of points, respectively; Euclidean measures do not fully capture surface effects; poor representation of actual activity space; captures opportunities not in activity space; requires a minimum of three unique points to generate ellipse SDE1 has statistical/predictive power (in this study area)
RNB Descriptive, Actual access Network-based measure; shape is buffered network ("worm") Household + activity locations (multiple points), road network Captures 100% of activity destinations – best representation of actual space determined by nodes and routes May be too restricted for predictive purposes Bypassing; accessibility in actual activity space
STT Normative, potential access, single norm (30-minute travel time threshold) Network-based measure; shape is network-derived polygon Household (single point), road network, travel time standard Results are fundamentally different from other measures; captures the highest number of SDPs; area is indicator of relative location within road network Not based on activity destinations; "arbitrary" travel time limit? Most strongly conditioned by location relative to road network Evaluate accessibility according to standards/guidelines.
Area is indicator of proximity to primary roads, services
RTT Normative, potential access, relative norm (individually determined) Network-based measure; shape is network-derived polygon Household (single point), road network individual travel time threshold (maximum travel time to routine activity destination) Captures 100% of activity destinations; highly correlated with RNB (can be used in combination) May overlap with STT; also conditioned by location within road network hierarchy Relative accessibility; area has strongest correlation with health destination