ePet-Cre-2 directs delayed recombination in a subset of 5HT neurons. (A-F) X-gal staining with neutral red counterstain of ROSA R26RePet-Cre embryos in E15 rostral (A) and E15 caudal (B) or ROSA R26RePet-Cre-2 in E16 rostral (C), E16 caudal (D), E18 rostral (E), and E18 caudal (F) hindbrain. The asterisk in D shows small numbers of LacZ-positive cells at E16 in caudal ROSA R26RePet-Cre-2 hindbrain. (G) Coimmunostaining with anti-TPH (FITC, anti-TPH 1:200) and anti-β-gal (Texas red, anti-β-gal 1:5,000) shows mosaic pattern of recombination directed by ePet-Cre-2 in the P60 adult. (H) High magnification of boxed area in G. (Scale bars: 100 μm, A-F;50 μm, G; and 25 μm I.)