Transcriptional activation of the Hahsp17.6G1 promoter by HaDREB2 in sunflower embryos: specific synergistic interaction with HaHSFA9. The −289(G1):LUC reporter gene (−289[G1]) was bombarded without effector plasmid (−), or with the following effector plasmids: HaDREB2 (AP2), HaHSFA9 (A9), or LpHSFA2 (A2) alone, or in combination: HaDREB2 + HaHSFA9 (AP2 + A9) or HaDREB2 + LpHSFA2 (AP2 + A2). Construct maps are at the top of the figure. Data representing mean Photinus luc activity normalized with Renilla luc (Rluc) are plotted. The asterisk denotes significant synergism between HaDREB2 and HaHSFA9. Statistical significance, sample sizes, and remaining symbols are described in Figure 1. The results of statistical analyses are detailed in Supplemental Table I.