FIG. 2.
Autophagy is abrogated in the ΔPaATG1 mutant strain. (A) The SI gfp-PaATG8 (SI) and SI ΔPaATG1 gfp-PaATG8 (SIΔATG1) strains were grown for 16 h at permissive temperature and transferred to 26°C to trigger the incompatibility reaction. The mycelium was observed by light microscopy (top) and by fluorescence microscopy (bottom) in each panel. Bar 3 μm. Observations were performed before transfer (32°C) and 4 h after transfer to 26°C (26°C). (B) The SI (SI) and SI ΔPaATG1 (SIΔATG1) strains were grown for 16 h at 32°C and transferred to 26°C on fresh medium containing 4 mM PMSF for 6 h before observation by light microscopy.