Figure 3.
NJ tree constructed on the basis of mean character genetic differences of the RFLP haplotypes. The numbers represent the AF haplotype numbers shown in figure 2. The bootstrap values for various haplotype clusters of the NJ tree were calculated by use of 500 replicates, with resampling. The L1a2 cluster of haplotypes separated from all other African haplotypes, with a bootstrap value of 55%. L1a2 cluster AF87–AF88/AF90–AF93 has a bootstrap value of 54%; subcluster AF91–AF93 has a bootstrap value of 59%; subsubcluster AF91–AF92 has a bootstrap value of 65%; subcluster AF87–AF88/AF90 has a bootstrap value of 99%; and subsubcluster AF88–AF90 has a bootstrap value of 75%. L1b1+L1b2 cluster AF62–AF65/AF67–AF68/AF70–AF72/AF78 has a bootstrap value of 56%. L1b1 cluster AF70–AF72/AF78 has a bootstrap value of 94%; subcluster AF71–AF72/AF78 has a bootstrap value of 67%; and subsubcluster AF71, 72 has a bootstrap value of 60%. L1b2 cluster AF62–AF65/AF67–AF68 has a bootstrap value of 70%; subcluster AF67–AF68 has a bootstrap value of 100%; and subcluster AF62–AF63 has a bootstrap value of 69%. L1a1 cluster AF59–AF61/AF96–AF98/AF100–AF101/AF103 has a bootstrap value of 60%; subcluster AF60–AF61 has a bootstrap value of 90%; subcluster AF97–AF98/AF100–AF101 has a bootstrap value of 96%; subsubcluster AF97–AF98 has a bootstrap value of 72%; and subsubcluster AF100–AF101 has a bootstrap value of 67%. L2c cluster AF49–AF53/AF56/AF58 has a bootstrap value of 83%; subcluster AF49–AF53 has a bootstrap value of 53%; and subcluster AF56–AF58 of 63%. L2b cluster AF45–AF47/AF105 has a bootstrap value of 53%; subcluster AF46–AF47/AF105 has a bootstrap value of 74%; and subcluster AF46–AF47 has a bootstrap value of 76%. L2 cluster AF43–AF44 has a bootstrap value of 87%. L2a subcluster AF38–AF41 has a bootstrap value of 84%; subsubcluster AF38–AF39 has a bootstrap value of 66%; and subsubcluster AF40–AF41 has a bootstrap value of 70%. L2a subcluster AF36–AF37 has a bootstrap value of 69%; subcluster AF29–AF30 has a bootstrap value of 84%, whereas subclusters AF26–AF28 and AF33–AF35 were not resolved at bootstrap values >50%. L3d subcluster AF1–AF2 has a bootstrap value of 69%, whereas AF3 was not resolved at a bootstrap value >50%. L3c subcluster AF14–AF16 has a bootstrap value of 51%, although AF12 and AF13 were not resolved at a value of 50%. L3b cluster AF8/AF85–AF86 has a bootstrap value of 88%; and subcluster AF85–AF86 has a bootstrap value of 96%; however, clusters AF4–AF7 and AF9–AF11 were not resolved at a value of 50%. L3 cluster AF24–AF25 and L3a cluster AF80–AF83 were not resolved at a value of 50%.