Cse4-depleted cells are defective in chromosome segregation. Cells expressing Degron-CSE4 (mad2Δ Spc42-GFP cse4Δ Degron-CSE4 pGAL-UBR1-myc) or wild-type Cse4 (mad2Δ Spc42-GFP pGAL-UBR1-myc) were grown in galactose and arrested in αF. Dox was added, and cells were released into the cell cycle in the absence of Cse4. After 150 min, cells were fixed and stained with DAPI. (A). At 150 min, cells that had segregated spindle pole bodies (anaphase cells) were scored as having equal DAPI masses (equal) or unequal DAPI masses (unequal). (B). Representative cells at the 150-min time point. The top images of the Degron-CSE4 show a cell with one, decondensed DAPI mass, and the bottom images represent a cell that has undergone unequal segregation where a small amount of DNA is in the bud. Bar, 5 μm.