Figure 5.
Identification of act1 mutants that specifically affect the Cvt pathway without altering mitochondrial structure. (A) Precursor Ape1 processing is blocked in several act1 mutants. The wild-type (LWY1412), act1-133 (DDY336), and act1-159 (DDY1493) strains were pulse-labeled for 10 min and subjected to a nonradioactive chase for 2 h at either 24 or 37°C in SMD medium. Ape1 was immunoprecipitated and resolved by SDS-PAGE. The asterisk marks a cross-reacting band that migrates jut below mature Ape1. (B) Actin cables in the act1-133 and act1-159 mutants. The strains analyzed above were grown to an early log phase, fixed, permeabilized, and incubated with TR phalloidin as described in Materials and Methods before collecting fluorescence images. (C) Morphology of the mitochondrial reticulum in the act1-133 and act1-159 mutants. The wild-type (LWY1412), act1-133 (DDY336), and act1-159 (DDY1493) strains were grown at semipermissive temperature and then stained with Mitofluor Red as described in Materials and Methods.