FIG. 6.
Study of CrREM1 mobilization in strains of C. reinhardtii. (A) Relationships of parental-transformant-segregant strains used in the Southern blot analysis. Plasmids pMN24 and pAD35 contain the structural gene of the NR. (B) Probe GP-CrREM1 (a 1,753-bp fragment) was isolated by PvuII/EcoRV digestion from plasmid pN1EV. (C) DNA (1 μg) from the following strains was digested with restriction endonuclease SalI: 2, 21gr; 6, 6145c; C, 305CW15; 1, N1; 10, N10; 24, N24; A, A54; E, E18; P3, P3; P2, P3-NR-2; P4, P3-NR-4; 3, 305; PD, PAD305-2; and T: Tx-7. DNA hybridization was carried out with the GP-CrREM1 probe. The expected band sizes are indicated with arrows.