Figure 5.
Expression of DMRT1Y and DMRT1. (a) Reverse transcription–PCR with DMRT1Y-specific primers of total RNA from organs of adult male and female medaka. Actin expression was determined for calibration. (b) Whole-mount RNA in situ hybridization in adult testes with DMRT1Y antisense probe (Upper Left), DMRT1 sense control (Upper Right), and section of testes showing staining in Sertoli cells (arrows, Lower). (c) Reverse transcription–PCR of medaka embryos and hatchlings with the same primers as in a. (Left) Analysis from Carbio strain samples. (Right) Analysis from Quart strain samples. (d) DMRT1Y expression in 17β estradiol-treated Quart embryos and sex-reversed adult XY females.