(A) Two-month-old AD11 mice show a decreased number of ChAT-positive neurons in the BF. (B) Control mice. (C) Increased cholinergic deficit in 6-month-old AD11 mice. (D) Age-matched control. Entorhinal cortex: (E) Abnormal localization of phosphotau in 2-month-old AD11 mice, (F) absent in age-matched controls. (G) Higher number of phosphotau-positive neurons in 6-month-old AD11 mice with respect to (H) control mice. (I) APP in vessels (arrows) of 2-month-old AD11 mice. (J) No labeling in control mice. (K) APP extracellular deposits in 6-month-old AD11 mice. (L) Age-matched control mice. (M) Aβ-positive clusters of cells in 6-month-old AD11 mice. (N) Age-matched control mice. (O) β-amyloid plaques in 15-month-old AD11 mice. These plaques are not revealed in control mice (P). (Scale bars: A–J, M, and N, 200 μm; K, L, O, and P, 50 μm.)