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. 2002 Nov;68(11):5595–5599. doi: 10.1128/AEM.68.11.5595-5599.2002


Salmonella bacteria isolated from wild-living birds, by species, in Norway from 1969 to 2000

Bird Species No. of isolates of serovar:
Isolation frequencya
Paratyphi B
O:4,12 O:4,5,12
Small passerines
    Bullfinch, Pyrrhula pyrrhula 256 195/242
    European greenfinch, Carduelis chloris 61 57/71
    Eurasian siskin, Carduelis spinus 54 52/69
    Common redpoll, Carduelis flammea 33 32/41
    Common sparrow, Passer domesticus 10 7/31
    Great tit, Parus major 8 6/87
    Blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus 4 3/14
    Yellow hammer, Emberiza citrinella 4 2/15
    Chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs 3 2/21
    Eurasian tree sparrow, Passer montanus 3 3/6
    Brambling, Fringilla montefringilla 1 1/16
    European robin, Erithacus rubecula 1 0/1
    Hawfinch, Coccothraustes coccothraustes 1 1/2
    Pied flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca 1 0/8
    Willow tit, Poecile montanus 1 1/8
    Total 441 364/638
Other species
    Black-headed gull, Larus ridibundus 3 10
    Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos 3
    Rock dove, Columba livia 1 2 3/72
    Black-billed magpie, Pica pica 1 1/40
    Canada goose, Branta canadensis 1
    Common murre, Uria aalge 1
    Eurasian sparrow hawk, Accipiter nisus 2
    Herring gull, Larus argentatus 1
    Hooded crow, Corvus corone 1 1/52
    Mew gull, Larus canus 1
    Osprey, Pandion haliaetus 1
    Tengmalm's owl, Aegolius funereus 1
    Total 10 18 1

Number of cases/total number of birds submitted to the laboratory in Oslo.