Figure 4.
Effects of DNA arm length and backbone continuity on FtsK50C activities. (A) Unlabelled DNAs with different lengths of arm adjoining either the XerC side or the XerD side of dif were reacted with short, labelled dif-containing DNAs with either 3-bp arms (left panel) or 3 bp on the XerC side and 16 bp on the XerD side (3CD16; right panel), in the presence of XerCD, FtsK50C and ATP for 60 min. (B) Histogram comparing the levels of recombination observed when unlabelled DNAs with XerC side (white bars) or XerD side (grey bars) extensions were reacted with labelled 3CD16. The results are the means of three experiments. (C) Graph of DNA length against FtsK50C ATPase activity (mean turnover±s.d. from three independent reactions, in the absence of XerCD). (D) A singlestrand nick does not affect FtsK50C activation of recombination. Unlabelled DNA without (top reaction) or with (bottom reaction) a single-stranded nick 3 bp along the XerD DNA arm was reacted with labelled 3CD3 in the presence of XerCD, FtsK50C and ATP for 60 min. The results are the mean±s.d. of three independent experiments.