Characterization of Kap germline mutant ovaries. (A) Anti-Orb antibody staining of wild-type ovaries. Note initial Orb expression in wild-type germ cells (germarium region 2), the subsequent accumulation in the two pre-oocytes (region 2A; arrow) in the adjacent germ cell cluster and the final concentration in one posterior cell of the next cell cluster (region 2B; asterisk in A). (B) Anti-Orb antibody staining of Kap mutant ovaries. Note that initial Orb expression and accumulation (arrow) is normal, but is not maintained in the adjacent and older germ cell cluster (asterisk). (C,D) In situ hybridization showing that grk RNA is expressed in one (C) or two (D) germline cells, which correspond to young oocytes in Kap mutant ovaries. Older follicles show no detectable grk transcripts (C; arrow). (E,F) osk RNA appears in region 2 of dKap mutants (E), but fades out (F; arrow). (G,H) A101lacZ expression in wild-type (G) and Kap mutant follicles (H). (I,J) unpaired expression in the polar cells (J; wild type) cannot be detected in Kap mutants (arrow; K).