Localization of δ-integrated GAI genes on the chromosomes in various haploid cells. The chromosomal DNAs separated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis were hybridized with GAI cDNA as a probe. GHM-4925, GHM-7244, GHM-7943, and GHM-6859 were obtained by transformation of strain CG379 with pSAK068-GAI and pSAKL068-GAI. GHT-127 was generated from diploid crosses between GHM-4925 and GHM-7244a. GHT-478 was generated from diploid crosses between GHM-6859 and GHM-7943a. GHP-251 was generated from diploid crosses between GHT-127 and GHT-478a. Lanes 1, GHM-4925; lanes 2, GHM-7244; lanes 3, GHM-7943; lanes 4, GHM-6859; lanes 5, GHT-127; lanes 6, GHT-478; lanes 7, GHP-251.