Figure 13.
EB1-C50-GFP and EB1-ΔC1-GFP overexpression have no effect on microtubule regrowth and focusing after nocodazole treatment. The ability of the microtubule cytoskeleton in cells transfected with EB1-C50-GFP (A–F) and EB1-ΔC1-GFP (G–I) to recover from nocodazole treatment was examined as described in Figure 12. (A, D, and G) GFP immunostaining; (B and H) p150Glued; (E) γ-tubulin; and (C, F, and I) α-tubulin. Overexpression of these deletion mutants had no effect on microtubule regrowth and centrosomal focusing or on the recruitment of either p150Glued (B and H, arrows) or γ-tubulin (E, arrow) to centrosomes. All cells shown in this figure were fixed 30 min after nocodazole washout. Bars, 20 μm.