FIG. 1.
Incubation with once-washed, fibroblast-derived toxoplasmas delays spontaneous neutrophil apoptosis. Neutrophils were incubated overnight with medium (A) or once-washed tachyzoites that were resuspended in fresh medium (1:2 neutrophil-to-parasite ratio) (B), and cytospin preparations were stained with Diff-Quik. Photomicrographs were made using Kodak Elite chrome ASA 100 slide film, and 35-mm slides were scanned into Adobe Photoshop files using a Polaroid SprintScan 35 (Polaroid Corp., Cambridge, Mass.). Apoptotic neutrophils are small cells with condensed, darkly staining nuclei (arrows); nonapoptotic cells have multilobed nuclei; some neutrophils are infected with tachyzoites (arrowheads). Bar = 2 μm. Results are representative of cytospins from eight different donors.