Critical concentrations of the peptide and of the lipid for vesicles containing different molar fractions of DOPG, XPG = 0.0 (diamonds), 0.25 (circles), 0.50 (up triangles), 0.75 (down triangles), and 1.0 (squares). The solid and open symbols refer to P-to-L and L-to-P ITC experiments, respectively. The lines were calculated according to Eq. A8 with zP = 5.1, K50% = 20 mM−1, fNa = 0.15, ξ = 0.08 (XPG > 0.25), K50% = 10 mM−1, fNa = 0.13, ξ = 0.07 (XPG = 0.25), and γ = 0.5 for 0 < XPG ≤ 0.5, and γ = 1.0 for XPG > 0.5. The line through the data for XPG = 0.0 was drawn as a guide for the eyes. The arrows in the insert (with the same designations of the axes as in the main figure) show the concentration courses of the titration experiments for XPG = 0.75. The critical peptide concentrations at which the absolute value of the differential heat decreases to 50% of its initial value are indicated by the symbols.