A | Rim area of disklike micelle |
At | Total rim area density |
aD, aL | Headgroup area of detergent and lipid, respectively |
c | Concentration |
cs | Salt concentration |
cmcD, cmcL | Critical micellar concentration of detergent and lipid, respectively |
D | Diffusion coefficient |
d | Dilution factor |
Ed | dlvo interaction energy |
Et | Topological energy barrier |
e | Electronic charge |
f | Attempt frequency |
H | Hamaker constant |
h | Surface-to-surface distance |
hf | Distance at which fusion occurs |
I | Scattering intensity |
𝒦ij | Rate coefficient (kernel) of the Smoluchowski equation |
k | Boltzmann's constant |
L | Rim length of disklike micelle |
NA | Avogadro's constant |
n, nv | Number density of disklike micelles and vesicles, respectively |
q | Scattering vector |
R | Vesicle radius |
Rh | Hydrodynamic radius |
r | Radius of the central part of a disklike micelle |
S | Reaction surface |
T | Temperature |
t | Time |
Va | van der Waals interaction potential |
Vd | dlvo interaction potential |
Ve | Electrostatic interaction potential |
Vf | Vesiculation index |
vD, vL | Molecular volume of detergent and lipid, respectively |
αb | Energy gain upon binding of one detergent molecule to the rim |
αm | Micellization energy |
ɛ | Dielectric constant of water |
η | Viscosity |
Mean, Gaussian and effective bending modulus, respectively | |
κD | Debye length |
Λ | Line tension |
ρ | Thickness of surfactant layer |
σ | Surface (rim) charge density |
σΓ | Polydispersity index |
τc | Closure time |
τg, τG | Growth time and total growth time, respectively |
τz | Zimm time |
φb | Bulk volume fraction of detergent |
φD, φL | Volume fraction of detergent and lipid, respectively |
φr | Rim surface fraction covered by detergent |
ψ0 | Electrostatic potential |
Ωd, Ωt | Effective dlvo and topological Boltzmann factor, respectively |
Note that subscripts i and j refer to parameters of disks formed from i and j initial disklike micelles, respectively.