Comparison of SEC and frontal chromatography measurements for BSA. BSA in sodium acetate, 20 mM; NaCl, 0.18M; pH = 4.6; A2 = 1.9 × 10−4 mL mol/g2 (open diamonds) (Shearwin and Winzor, 1990). BSA in potassium phosphate, 50 mM, pH 6.2, A2 = 2.0 × 10−4 mL mol/g2 (closed points). Injected concentrations are 1.14, 4.85, 10.05, 15.0, 20.7, 25.27, 30.44, 40.72, and 50.99 mg/mL. Injection volumes are 2 μL (squares), 10 μL (stars), 40 μL (triangles), and 100 μL (diamonds).