Axial separation distance, d, between gA monomers along the lowest energy pathways in GMO membranes (mismatch, u0 = 3.4 Å). (A) Results from three representative MC runs and the d,ϕ-path are illustrated for the 1MAG structure. There are three levels in the separation distance corresponding to the 6HB, 4HB, and 2HB states. The separation distance discontinuity occurs at 75° on the path to the 4HB state and at 210° on the path to the 2HB state. The sharp peak at 300° (MC run 2) is a dimer dissociation event from level 2. (B) Results from three MC runs are illustrated for the 1JNO structure. In MC run 1, the 1JNO monomers dissociate laterally directly from the 6HB state. The formation of the 2HB state (level 3) was never observed.