Brewster angle microscope images of DPPG monolayers on the different ionic strength buffers at a surface pressure of ∼70 mN/m immediately after monolayer collapse. (A) For the DPPG monolayer on a subphase of 0.2 mM sodium bicarbonate, only large-scale folds or cracks in the monolayer are visible (central feature in the image). (B) For DPPG on 0.2 mM sodium bicarbonate with 150 mM sodium chloride, there are still folds and cracks in the monolayer (not shown), but there are also small, circular bright spots consistent with bilayer aggregates in the subphase near the monolayer. (C) For DPPG on 0.2 mM sodium bicarbonate with 1 M sodium chloride, the number of bright spots increases, suggesting that there are more bilayer aggregates near the monolayer.