Mica to mica-PLL gradient characterization. (a) Top view mica adhered to metal support stub scored with radial lines. Liquid drops (5 μl) spread from radial position r0 to r120 during 2-min incubations. (b) Calculated PLL contact time as a function of radial position. (c) AFM height images (3 μm × 3 μm) captured at 12.15-μm intervals spanning the gold particle interface. (d) Profile of gold particle adsorption over a 1100-μm radial distance. The radial positions of scans i–iv in panel c are marked. (e) RMS substrate roughness measured from point iv (350 mm) on panel d. The data points fit a linear regression with an r2 value of 0.2. Z scale = 10 nm.