Comparison of the back door region of the MDdc·Mg·ADP·BeFx and S1sc·Mg·ADP crystal structures. The MDdc·Mg·ADP·BeFx (Fisher et al., 1995) (purple) and S1sc·Mg·ADP crystal structures (Houdusse et al., 1999) (green) were overlaid based on the Cα atoms of the upper 50-kDa and 25-kDa subdomains. Mg·ADP·BeFx (orange) is included for reference. The difference in the degree of constriction in the back door route, as seen in the solvent accessible surfaces of Fig. 1, d and f, arises from the movement of Arg-236 (Arg-232 in MDdc) to form a new salt bridge with Glu-675 (Asn-660 in MDdc). Also, the side chain of Glu-465 beyond the Cβ is not resolved in the S1sc structure. This is likely due to the breaking of its weak salt bridge with Arg-242 that in turn is caused by the slight movement of switch 2 and the lower 50-kDa subdomain.