Schematic model of the BChl aggregates in the chlorosome. (A) Arrangement of lamellae inside the chlorosome. Each undulated plane (thick green line) extends in the long axis of the chlorosome (z), and through the height of the chlorosome (y). Planes are arranged into lamellae throughout the chlorosome (x). Only a few lamellae are depicted for clarity. Model of one plane of BChl aggregate with parallel (B) or antiparallel (C) pigment configuration. Coordinate system as in panel A. The monoclinic unit cell projection and lattice constants are shown in red. (D) Top view of chlorin (green) planes (antiparallel configuration) associated via interdigitated esterifying alcohol tails (black). An underlying layer of BChl molecules is shown dotted whereas carotenoids (orange) are interspersed between the alcohol tails.