Three-dimensional surfaces of nH (V = V1/2) and V1/2 as a function of both KA and KB using identical scales. The graph for nH was plotted based on Eq. 9 and that of V1/2 according to the equation derived using the condition of half-activation (PO = 1/2). Unitary gating charge of 3 was assumed for Z. The main diagonal trajectory where KA = KB separates positive ((KB/KA) > 1) and negative ((KB/KA) < 1) coupling domains to the right and left of this diagonal, respectively. Three extreme scenarios may be envisaged: 1), along the main diagonal trajectory; increasing KA and KB upon mutations, for example, would shift the midpoint activation voltage to the left to more negative voltages; however, nH would not change. 2), The trajectory in bold corresponds to a case in which increasing KB only would result in a shift of the midpoint activation voltage to the left in parallel with steeper nH slopes. 3), Opposite dependence is observed between nH and V1/2 for a case in which only KA is changed upon mutations.