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. 2004 Oct;87(4):2818–2827. doi: 10.1529/biophysj.103.037218


Relationship between plating and surface density for both fibronectin (FN) and GRGDSP (RGD)

Number of cells
Substrate Plating σ A〉, 〈|F|〉, 〈|T|〉 S
(μg/ml) (Molecules/μm2) n n
FN 0.5 10 - 9
FN 1.56 30 - 16
FN 3.13 60 8 -
FN 6.25 120 14 -
FN 12.5 240 15 27
FN 25 475 24 35
FN 50 950 21 37
FN 100 1900 15 40
RGD 25 50 13 23
RGD 50 100 12 25
RGD 100 200 10 25
RGD 250 500 17 27
RGD 500 1000 8 30
RGD 750 1500 6 -

Polyacrylamide substrata were modified with indicated plating concentrations of FN or RGD. The immobilized surface density (σ) of FN or RGD on the substratum is given for each plating concentration. The total number of cells for each measurement is indicated by n. 〈|T|〉, 〈|F|〉, 〈A〉, and 〈S〉 are the population-averages of the traction magnitude, total absolute force, projected area, and migration speed, respectively.