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. 2004 Aug 17;87(5):2919–2930. doi: 10.1529/biophysj.104.039693



Dimensionless steady-state rolling velocity V* (A), contact angle θ* (B), separation distance scaled by dimensionless equilibrium bond length h*/δB (C), and trailing zone bond density output BD2* (D) as a function of η, ratio of receptor to ligand densities. Upper and lower dashed lines in A indicate 0.5 VH and 0.01 VH, respectively. The curves are parameterized by β, the dimensionless reverse reaction rate, which increases from left to right. The rolling velocity is anti-correlated with BD2*. M0 = 87.6, χ = 0.2, ν = 1.2 × 106, Zbond = 9.38 × 103, Zgrav = 4.1 × 10−5, δB = 0.01, and δSS = 0.01.