Schematic illustrations of the channel and crown. (A) α-Hemolysin channel in the presence of the crown ether. The stem region of the channel is a cylindrical β-sheet barrel. Cartoon shows the relative sizes of the open channel and crown/K+ complexes. Adapted from Gu et al. (2000). (B) Ball-and-stick model of the crown ether. CS Chem3D Pro (CambridgeSoft, Cambridge, MA) was used to build the model and to draw the figure. The atoms are represented with the following color scheme: O (black), H (gray), and C (light gray). Van der Waals spheres (dotted) are shown for two opposite H atoms. The largest and smallest sizes of the crown molecule are 1.15 nm and 0.51 nm, correspondingly. The structure is in agreement with crystallographic data (Steed and Atwood, 2000).