Abbreviations used in the text
Abbreviation | Definition |
ΔxC1–C2 | Distance from the geometric center of compartment C1 to the center of compartment C2 |
αy and βy | Opening and closing rate constant of gate y, respectively |
η | Position of the energy barrier controlling voltage dependence of the Na-Ca exchanger |
γi | Activity coefficient of ion i |
σ | [Na]o-dependence factor for fNaK |
τy | Time constant of gate y |
AC1–C2 | Surface area for diffusion from compartment C1 to compartment C2 |
AP | Action potential |
Bmax | Maximal binding capacity |
Bmax–SR | Bmax for Ca binding within the SR |
CICR | Ca-induced Ca release |
[Ca]SR | Free SR Ca |
[Ca]SRT | Total SR Ca |
DC1–C2 | Coefficient for diffusion from compartment C1 to compartment C2 |
d and f | Voltage-dependent activation and inactivation gates of ICa |
Ei | Nernst potential for ion i, mV |
ECC | Excitation-contraction coupling |
F | Faraday constant, 96,000 Coulomb/mol |
fCa | Ca-dependent inactivation gate of ICa |
fCaB | Fraction of Ca-bound Ca-dependent inactivation sites of ICa |
fNaK | Voltage-dependence parameter of INaK |
Fxj | Fraction of total flux j in the compartment of interest |
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Maximal conductance of flux i |
H | Hill coefficient SR Ca pump |
HNa | Hill coefficient of Na-Ca exchanger for Na |
ICa | L-type Ca current |
INa | Fast Na current |
INCX | Na-Ca exchange current |
INaK | Na-K pump current |
ISLCaP | SL Ca pump current |
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Maximum current through channel c |
[i]i | Free cytosolic concentration of ion i |
[i]jct | Free junctional cleft concentration of i |
[i]jctT | Total junctional cleft concentration of ion i |
[i]o | Free concentration of ion i in extracellular compartment |
[i]SL | Free concentration of ion i in the subsarcolemmal compartment |
[i]SLT | Total concentration of i in the subsarcolemmal compartment |
[i]T | Total cytosolic concentration of ion i |
IPi | Portion of ICa that is carried by ion i |
Jpump | Net SR Ca pump flux |
JpumpF | SR Ca pump forward flux |
JpumpR | SR Ca pump reverse flux |
Jleak | SR Ca passive leak flux |
JSRCaRel | SR Ca release flux |
Ka | Ca-dependent Na-Ca exchange activation coefficient |
kCaSR | [Ca]SR-dependent RyR activation coefficient |
Kd | Affinity constant of ligand for ion of interest |
Kd-SR | Kd for Ca binding within the SR |
kim, kom, koSRCa, kiSRCa | Rate transition constants for the RyR (Fig. 4) |
kiCa, koCa | Baseline, non-SR-dependent transition rate constants for the RyR |
kleak | SR leak rate constant |
Kmi | Km of Na-Ca exchanger for ion i |
Kmf | Km SR Ca pump forward mode |
Kmr | Km SR Ca pump reverse mode |
kon | On rate for binding |
koff | Off rate for binding |
ks | SR Ca release rate constant |
ksat | Saturation factor of the Na-Ca exchanger at very negative potentials |
m, h, and j | Activation gate, fast inactivation gate, and slow inactivation gate, respectively, of INa |
MaxSR, MinSR, EC50-SR, HSR | Parameters for [Ca]SR-dependent activation of SR Ca release |
Pi1i2 | Permeability of channel to ion i1 relative to ion i2 |
Q10-J | Temperature adjustment factor |
R | Gas constant, 1.987 calories/mol/K |
Rc, Xc, Yc | Gates of channel c |
RyR | Ryanodine receptor |
SL | Sarcolemma |
SR | Sarcoplasmic reticulum |
T | Absolute temperature, K |
V | Membrane voltage |
Vmax | Vmax SR Ca pump |
zi | Valence of ion i |