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. 2004 Sep 3;87(5):3351–3371. doi: 10.1529/biophysj.104.047449


Abbreviations used in the text

Abbreviation Definition
ΔxC1–C2 Distance from the geometric center of compartment C1 to the center of compartment C2
αy and βy Opening and closing rate constant of gate y, respectively
η Position of the energy barrier controlling voltage dependence of the Na-Ca exchanger
γi Activity coefficient of ion i
σ [Na]o-dependence factor for fNaK
τy Time constant of gate y
AC1–C2 Surface area for diffusion from compartment C1 to compartment C2
AP Action potential
Bmax Maximal binding capacity
Bmax–SR Bmax for Ca binding within the SR
CICR Ca-induced Ca release
[Ca]SR Free SR Ca
[Ca]SRT Total SR Ca
DC1–C2 Coefficient for diffusion from compartment C1 to compartment C2
d and f Voltage-dependent activation and inactivation gates of ICa
Ei Nernst potential for ion i, mV
ECC Excitation-contraction coupling
F Faraday constant, 96,000 Coulomb/mol
fCa Ca-dependent inactivation gate of ICa
fCaB Fraction of Ca-bound Ca-dependent inactivation sites of ICa
fNaK Voltage-dependence parameter of INaK
Fxj Fraction of total flux j in the compartment of interest
Inline graphic Maximal conductance of flux i
H Hill coefficient SR Ca pump
HNa Hill coefficient of Na-Ca exchanger for Na
ICa L-type Ca current
INa Fast Na current
INCX Na-Ca exchange current
INaK Na-K pump current
ISLCaP SL Ca pump current
Inline graphicc Maximum current through channel c
[i]i Free cytosolic concentration of ion i
[i]jct Free junctional cleft concentration of i
[i]jctT Total junctional cleft concentration of ion i
[i]o Free concentration of ion i in extracellular compartment
[i]SL Free concentration of ion i in the subsarcolemmal compartment
[i]SLT Total concentration of i in the subsarcolemmal compartment
[i]T Total cytosolic concentration of ion i
IPi Portion of ICa that is carried by ion i
Jpump Net SR Ca pump flux
JpumpF SR Ca pump forward flux
JpumpR SR Ca pump reverse flux
Jleak SR Ca passive leak flux
JSRCaRel SR Ca release flux
Ka Ca-dependent Na-Ca exchange activation coefficient
kCaSR [Ca]SR-dependent RyR activation coefficient
Kd Affinity constant of ligand for ion of interest
Kd-SR Kd for Ca binding within the SR
kim, kom, koSRCa, kiSRCa Rate transition constants for the RyR (Fig. 4)
kiCa, koCa Baseline, non-SR-dependent transition rate constants for the RyR
kleak SR leak rate constant
Kmi Km of Na-Ca exchanger for ion i
Kmf Km SR Ca pump forward mode
Kmr Km SR Ca pump reverse mode
kon On rate for binding
koff Off rate for binding
ks SR Ca release rate constant
ksat Saturation factor of the Na-Ca exchanger at very negative potentials
m, h, and j Activation gate, fast inactivation gate, and slow inactivation gate, respectively, of INa
MaxSR, MinSR, EC50-SR, HSR Parameters for [Ca]SR-dependent activation of SR Ca release
Pi1i2 Permeability of channel to ion i1 relative to ion i2
Q10-J Temperature adjustment factor
R Gas constant, 1.987 calories/mol/K
Rc, Xc, Yc Gates of channel c
RyR Ryanodine receptor
SL Sarcolemma
SR Sarcoplasmic reticulum
T Absolute temperature, K
V Membrane voltage
Vmax Vmax SR Ca pump
zi Valence of ion i