(a) The six-pulse DQC-ESR sequence designed to measure distances between electron spins in solids. The amplitude of the echo formed at 2(tp + t1 + t2) is recorded as a function of tξ ≡ 2tp−tm, with t1 and tm ≡ tp + t2 being kept constant. The phase cycling leaves only the part of the echo modulated by the dipolar coupling a. For the dipolar coupling in DQC, wherein
r is the distance between electron spins, and θ is the angle between the vector connecting the electron spins on the nitroxides and the magnetic field, B0. (b) An illustrative temporal envelope of the signal recorded with the six-pulse sequence for a nitroxide biradical in an isotropic medium. (c) The dipolar spectrum, produced by Fourier transformation of b, has the shape of a Pake doublet with an inner splitting of 2ν⊥ = 4D/3.