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. 2002 Sep 18;99(20):12526–12530. doi: 10.1073/pnas.152464699

Table 1.

Calculated frequencies, integrated intensities, and vibrational mode description for COFe(OEP)Py

Calculated frequency, cm−1 Calculated integrated intensity, cm/mmol Frequency, cm−1 (Experiment) Mode description
33 0.46 53* Pyridine ring wagging
39 0.66 53* Doming mode
129 0.55 140 Inverse doming
155 0.47 158* Py bending + ethane twist
160 0.77 158* Ethane twist
166 0.32 158* Ethane twist + Py bend
224 0.26 233 P op deformation
240 0.56 233 CH3 ethane torsion
241 0.33 233 CH3 ethane torsion
253 0.46 250 P op deformation
255 0.43 250 P op deform + CH3 ethane deformation
262 0.88 260 Cm P op deformation + Fe-Py stretch
277 0.47 275 Cm op P deformation
292 0.20 293 N op P deformation
308 0.44 310 Fe in-plane motion, ethane rocking
321 0.41 334 Cm, N(P) op P deformation
340 0.30 352 Fe in-plane motion, ethane rocking
369 7.15 361 op P deformation (Cm and N)
455 0.89 444* C(CO)-Fe-N(Py) deformation, Py op deformation
458 2.04 444* op P deformation, Cα, Cβ Pyrrole twist
465 0.34 470 op P deformation (Cα, Cβ) Pyrrole twist
471 1.98 478* Fe-CO stretch, Fe-N(Py) stretch
480 0.43 478* op P deformation (N, Cβ)
491 5.02 497* op P deformation (N, Cβ)
514 4.02 497* N-Fe-N deformation
532 0.51 520 op P deformation
535 3.23 542 N-Fe-N deformation, pyrrole rocking
575 1.32 572* Fe-C-O deformation, Fe in-plane motion
576 1.53 572* Fe-C-O deformation, Fe in-plane motion
588 1.25 588 Pyrrole op deformation

Only modes with calculated integrated intensities greater than 0.2 cm/mmol and frequencies less than 600−1 are listed. Frequencies with asterisks denote peaks that are close in frequency or part of a broad peak and that cannot be clearly separated at 1 bar. These peaks are identified by the same frequency in the table. The following notation is used: P, porphine ring; op, out of P-plane; ip, in the P-plane; Cm, Cα,β-methine bridge and pyrrole rings carbon atoms; Py, axially bound pyridine.