Unfolding forces solved by the exact numerical method for six sequences in the different experimental conditions. Temperature T = 298K and [Na+] = 0.25M: P5ab-1, P5abcΔA-1 and P5abc-1. Temperature T = 298K, [Na+] = 0.25M and [Mg2+] = 0.01M: P5ab-2, P5abcΔA-2, and P5abc-2. Temperature T = 293K and [Na+] = 0.15M: repeated AT and CG sequences (Rief et al., 1999). Temperature T = 298 and [Na+] = 0.15M: CG hairpin (Bustamante et al., 2000). The symbols represent: unfolding forces calculated by the free energy of force with ionic correction −0.193kBT ln([Na+] + 3.3[Mg2+]1/2) on RNA free energy (○), unfolding forces using our work formula without ionic correction (□), theoretical values predicted by Cocco et al. (2003) (⋄), and unfolding forces calculated by the free energy of force with best fitting ionic correction, −0.800kBT ln([Na+] + 3.3[Mg2+]1/2) (*).